Knee-deep in boxes, construction materials, masses of candles and dry flowers, we spent March transforming our new massage parlor, building a bar, and reorganizing our reception spaces. Amidst all this chaos, the BBC confirmed that they would be coming to film us with one week’s notice!
Boy did we scramble! Dave put together a world class menu for a dinner party that we would host, featuring some of the most colorful characters in our community, including Findaly Carson, MSP for Galloway and West Dumfries, Romano Petrucci, Chairman of Stranraer Development Trust, and Joe Fergusson, director of Farsight Greentech, a leading expert in renewable energy in Scotland. Our chefs Dave, John and William featured veloute, West Coast scallops, Killantringan lamb, and a Scottish rum baba.
Naturally Anne had to make everyone dress up in the Magic Parlour, don headdresses, assume alter egos, and answer her infamous dinner party Spanish Inquisition questions, which included: What was the most positive and transformative effect of the lockdown that you’ve experienced?
Anne likes to pack a day full, there’s not a moment to think. Breakfast and straight into a tour of the house and on camera interviews while we all prepared for the craziest Downton Abbey-esque “welcome to Dunskey” shot. Every staff member had to carry out something concerning their role; bow and arrows, plumbing parts, mops and buckets, cakes, computers, booze, a dog and a real live lamb! Yup, that’s how we roll.
Have you ever Zorb-balled? It’s a must, an hilarious caper. Just try and play football dressed like an enormous balloon with legs. and keep a straight face. Best performed on an empty stomach. No time to rest, down to the walled garden, fire a few arrows and try your hand at ax throwing. All those gentle people revealing their inner warrior. Not unsurprisingly, quite a popular activity, I wonder why.
Mad hatters this way please, into the Victorian glasshouses for a tea party. They said that all those cakes were just for the film shoot but we couldn’t let them go to waste, could we? Just before it gets dark, time for one more activity. The amazing Siberian Owl swoops down from a high branch and lands on the BBC presenter’s arm with awesome, graceful power and razor sharp talons. A sobering way to end the day.