Seemingly treated as an afterthought, this little lodge was in tattered condition for quite some time. Inside, the layout was equally bizarre, where you had to duck under the stairs to access a literal hole-in-a-wall bathroom.

Seemingly treated as an afterthought, this little lodge was in tattered condition for quite some time. Inside, the layout was equally bizarre, where you had to duck under the stairs to access a literal hole-in-a-wall bathroom.
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The Dunskey team is excited to introduce a new platform for lodge booking. If you have any questions or need assistance during the booking process, please email us at
*Dunskey Estate currently accepts a minimum three-night stay throughout the year, with flexible check-in and check-out dates. During Christmas and New Year 2023, we have a seven-night minimum stay, with check-in and check-out dates as Wednesday December 20th, Wednesday December 7th, and Wednesday January 3rd.